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About propolis

What is Propolis

Propolis, often described as "bee glue," is a natural substance collected by honey bees from buds and trees. Bees use it to seal undesirable small gaps and cracks in their hives, but for humans, propolis has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. It consists of tree resin, essential oils, waxes, and bioflavonoids. The composition of propolis can vary depending on the location of the bees and what trees and flowers they have access to.

This remarkable bee product is known for its potential health benefits and is sought after for its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed that the bioflavonoids present in propolis play a key role in the substance's healing abilities. These compounds are known for their antioxidant effects and help to fortify the body's defense against oxidative stress and infections.

Propolis is available in various forms such as raw propolis, propolis tincture, capsules, powders, and even in beauty products. It caters to a wide audience including health-conscious individuals looking to boost their immune system, companies formulating natural health remedies, and even those seeking natural skincare solutions. The principles behind how propolis works are linked to the numerous active compounds it contains, which interact with the body's systems to promote healing and protection.

Types of Propolis

The diverse types of propolis available cater to different applications and preferences. Here are some variations you can find:

  • Raw Propolis: This form is directly harvested from the beehive and contains all the natural components without any processing. It is commonly used in traditional medicine practices.

  • Propolis Extract: This concentrated form of propolis is obtained through extracting the active compounds from raw propolis. It is often used in dietary supplements due to its potent nature.

  • Propolis Powder: Fine powder that is easy to incorporate into capsules or mix into food or drinks for consumption. This form is appreciated for its ease of use in various formulations.

  • Propolis Capsules: A convenient option for individuals looking to add propolis to their diet without dealing with its natural taste. Capsules are a popular choice for daily supplementation.

  • Propolis Tincture: An alcohol-based liquid extract that offers a potent dose of propolis's beneficial properties. Tinctures are used both internally and topically for various health concerns.

How to Choose Propolis

When selecting propolis on a B2B platform like, businesses must consider several factors to ensure they meet the needs of their customers effectively:

  • Form: Choose between raw propolis, extracts, powders, capsules, or tinctures based on how your customers prefer to use or consume propolis.

  • Quality: Look for suppliers who provide detailed information about the source and processing methods of their propolis products to ensure high-quality.

  • Purity: Consider the concentration of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids in extracts or powders if your business is focused on providing high-efficacy health supplements.

  • Packaging: Depending on your business model, you may require different packaging options like bulk drums for manufacturing or smaller bottles for retail.

  • Certifications: Search for suppliers that can provide certifications or test methods like HPLC or UV to authenticate the quality of their products.

  • Supplier Reliability: Utilize’s Trade Assurance service to safeguard transactions and confirm supplier credibility before making bulk purchases.

Best Propolis on stands out as a premier global marketplace connecting businesses with a vast selection of wholesale propolis products. Whether you're sourcing raw materials for health supplements or ingredients for natural skincare formulations, offers an extensive array of options tailored to your business needs. With an emphasis on facilitating seamless trade across borders, simplifies the process of finding high-quality propolis from reliable suppliers worldwide.

Thanks to's advanced features, buyers can engage with vendors in their local language and manage orders effortlessly through mobile devices – ensuring that even on-the-go entrepreneurs have access to the marketplace. The platform's commitment to fostering global business opportunities is evident through services such as Trade Assurance, which ensures payment protection until delivery completion.

By choosing as your wholesale propolis source, you can be confident in accessing a diverse range of products without compromising on quality or dependability. As a hub for global commerce since 1999, empowers small and medium-sized businesses by offering them online trade solutions that help them grow and reach new markets with ease.

Common FAQs for Propolis

What is propolis used for in various industries?

Propolis is widely used in the health and wellness industry as a supplement due to its immune-boosting properties. It is also incorporated into skincare products for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

How can the quality of propolis be assessed before purchase?

Businesses can evaluate the quality of propolis by reviewing supplier-provided certificates, test methods like HPLC or UV, and the concentration of key compounds such as bioflavonoids.

What propolis forms are most suitable for supplement manufacturing?

For manufacturing supplements, propolis extract and powder are commonly used due to their concentrated nature and ease of formulation into capsules or tablets.

Is raw propolis more effective than processed forms?

Raw propolis retains all its natural components, which some believe makes it more effective. However, processed forms like extracts can be more potent due to higher concentrations of active ingredients.

Can propolis be used in products aimed at sensitive skin types?

Yes, propolis has soothing properties that make it suitable for products targeting sensitive skin, provided it is formulated appropriately to prevent potential allergic reactions.

Are there different types of propolis based on the region of harvest?

Yes, the composition of propolis can vary depending on the region as it reflects the local flora from which bees collect resins. This results in variations in color, texture, and bioactive compound profiles.

How should propolis be stored to maintain its quality?

Propolis should be stored in a cool, dark place to preserve its potency. For long-term storage, sealing it in airtight containers is recommended to protect it from moisture and light.

What are the common packaging options for wholesale propolis?

Common packaging options include bags, drums, vacuum packs, bottles, plastic containers, and bulk. The choice depends on the quantity required and the intended use.

Are there any vegan alternatives to bee-derived propolis?

While traditional propolis is bee-derived, some companies develop plant-based alternatives that mimic its properties for vegan consumers.

What certifications should I look for when sourcing propolis?

Businesses should look for certifications that ensure product safety and quality such as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points), or organic certifications where applicable.

How does ensure the reliability of propolis suppliers? offers Trade Assurance service that helps protect buyers' payments until delivery is confirmed, providing an extra layer of security when dealing with suppliers.